We are pleased to announce the release of PHOIBLE Online, a repository of cross-linguistic phonological inventory data:

Summer School "Coding for Language Communities"

Between 11th and 15th of August the Centro Interdisciplinar de Documentação Linguística e Social will organize another summer school in Minde (Portugal), dedicated to the topic "Coding for Language Communities" (CLC 2014).

NSF solicitation "Building Community and Capacity for Data-Intensive Research ... (BCC-SBE/EHR)"

The NSF Directorates for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) and for Education and Human Resources (EHR) recently issued the third and final in a series of joint solicitations for Building Community and Capacity for Data-Intensive Research.

Review of Glottolog 2.0

Back in February of 2012, Sebastian Nordhoff (MPI-EVA) announced on Cyberling the launch of Glottolog/Langdoc, a comprehensive database of bibliographic data about the world’s languages.[1] Unfortunately, given the ephemeral nature of Web resources, links in this announcement, such as "Give me all works about Zulu" now return 404 error messages. However, these broken links are due to the release of the new Glottolog 2.0 and they are sure to be fixed, if they haven’t been already.[2]

Free Science Blog

Members of the Cyberling community might be interested in the Free Science Blog, for discussion of open access publishing.

Crowdsourcing WALS using Linked Data

The World Atlas of Language Structures project ( is one of the landmarks of digital linguistics. It contains 192 features in 2678 languages. However, the resulting data matrix is very sparse, and instead of the possible 514176 datapoints, there are only about 68000, or 13%.

Interview: New blog for experimental statistics in corpus linguistics

An interview with Sean Wallis, author of

What led you to set up the blog?

The blog comes from several sources. My research background is in cognitive science and AI, and in particular machine learning applied to scientific research, and statistics is a key component of that. I have been involved in regular debates about the role of statistical evidence in corpus linguistics over the years, so (for example) you will find some of the same experimental design themes about choice in our 2002 book, I am not a linguist "by trade" but a methodologist, so I can only work by collaborating with and learning from others.

NSF/OCI Data Infrastructure Building Blocks (DIBBs) solicitation

The National Science Foundation's Office of Cyberinfrastructure has announced a new solicitation, Data Infrastructure Building Blocks (DIBBs), which among other things is a successor to its 2007-08 INTEROP solicitation. It has three tracks: Conceptualization, Implementation, and Interoperability (the first with a 26 July 2012 deadline, the second and third with a 30 August 2012 deadline).

Announcing Glottolog/Langdoc, a knowledge base of 175k references for (mostly) underdescribed languages

We are happy to announce Glottolog/Langdoc, a comprehensive knowledge base of 104k languoids and 175k references for the Semantic Web.

In linguistics as well as in the Semantic Web world, it is important to clearly identify the concepts one is talking about. Glottolog/Langdoc takes this insight as a starting point and provides 104k Unique Resource Identifiers (URIs) for languoids and 175k for references to descriptive literature focusing on underdescribed languages.

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