Reproducibility in computational science

The AAAS meeting going on right now includes a symposium on The Digitization of Science: Reproducibility and Interdisciplinary Knowledge Transfer. Mark Liberman is speaking at it, and has posted the symposium abstract as well as some remarks at Language Log.

NSF SBE 2020 White Papers (Updated)

The NSF has now made the SBE 2020 (Future Research in Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences) white papers available. There are at least three seven eleven (in addition to the one that Jeff Good and I submitted, noted below) that are relevant to cyberling:

2011 LSA Orthography Symposium

The 85th Annual Meeting of the LSA (Pittsburgh, 2011) included a symposium on creating orthographies for unwritten languages. Creating an orthography has important implications for both speaker community access and long-term preservation and access to linguistic data. The organizers of the symposium have made the materials (abstracts, handouts, and slides) available here:

Beyond the PDF?

While looking for something on this blog (which I recommend in general), I stumbled on the fact that an interesting workshop recently took place entitled Beyond the PDF. The workshop goal is described as follows:

Open Data and corpora for (computational) linguistic research

I recommend this guest post by Nancy Ide over on the Open Knowledge Foundation Blog. Ide gives a brief history of the ANC, and describes issues pertaining to creative commons licensing and copyright that arise when textual data are repurposed for linguistic and computational linguistic research.

CL Review of Interest

The current issue of Computational Linguistics includes a review (by Eric J. M. Smith) of Vladimir Pericliev's book Machine-Aided Linguistic Discovery: An Introduction and Some Examples. The review gives a quick overview of the problems that Pericliev approaches and the techniques he applies.

New journal: Open Research Computation

A new journal Open Research Computation has been launched and, while it isn't geared towards linguistics specifically, it looks very interesting from a general cyberinfrastructure perspective. Here's it's Aims and Scope:

New annotation tool: DiscoverText

Stuart Shulman recently gave a workshop at UW on a new annotation tool he is developing: DiscoverText. It has some limitations that make it unsuitable for some linguistic purposes, but is powerful in other ways and might be a good choice for certain types of tasks.

Copyright free language descriptions

Dear colleagues,

the Language Description Heritage project is slowly picking up steam and getting more and more content to be publicly available under a permissive license. Please check the announcement blog to see our current list of available works:

We are currently going through out-of-copyright works from before 1935. If you happen to have any digital version of any such work lying around (and it is not yet available in the above-mentioned archive), then we would be happy to check the copyright, and make it available in the project.

Subscribe to eLanguage journals

This isn't well-advertised, and it even takes a while to find it on the page, but it's possible to subscribe (for free) to the eLanguage online journals. The value of a subscription is that you'll get email alerts when a new issue is published---allowing you to look it over and see what's new, and allowing the authors who publish in these fora to have greater impact. Once you have one account, it's fairly easy to add subscriptions for the other eLanguage journals. Here's the link to subscribe to Linguistic Issues in Language Technology.

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