NSF SBE 2020 White Papers (Updated)
The NSF has now made the SBE 2020 (Future Research in Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences) white papers available. There are at least three seven eleven (in addition to the one that Jeff Good and I submitted, noted below) that are relevant to cyberling:
- Anthony Aristar Endangered Languages and Linguistic Infrastructure
- John T Hale Linguistic Theory as an Integral Part of SBE's Vision for the Language Sciences
- Matthew Wagers Widening the Net: Challenges for Gathering Linguistic Data in the Digital Age
- update Gregory R. Crane Analyzing human systems across time, space, language, and culture
- update2 Natasha Warner et al SBE Grand Challenge: Understanding the complexity and variability of spoken and signed languages
- update2 Lyle Campbell Documentation and Analysis of Endangered Languages, Cultures, and Knowledge Systems
- update2 Clifton Pye A Distributed
Architecture for the Documentation of Language and Culture - update3 John A. Goldsmith et al. Defining and Redefining NSF Funding for Linguistics
- update3 Rakesh Bhatt et al. Migration, Multilingualism, and Minorities: New Challenges for the Linguistic Sciences
- update3 Chilin Shih et al. Speech Variation, Graded Competency, and Human Communication
- update3 Jürgen Bohnemeyer Semantic typology as an approach to mapping the nature-nurture divide in cognition
I may well (still) have missed some --- if I have please leave a comment and I will update this story.
more white papers
A few more that might be relevant to the cyberling initiative?
Defining and Redefining NSF Funding for Linguistics
Another paper for the list
This paper seems relevant for cyberinfrastructure for linguistics, too (written by classicists):
Gregory R. Crane: Analyzing human systems across time, space, language, and culture
Thanks, Jeff!