
Resolutions pass!

The LSA announced today that both resolutions on the May 31 ballot (the Resolution on Cyberinfrastructure and the Resolution Recognizing the Scholarly Merit of Language Documentation) have passed!

A linguist’s perspective on Creative Commons’ data sharing whitepaper

Edit: this post on (legal aspects of) data sharing by Creative Commons' Kaitlin Thaney is also highly recommended.

Resolution on Cyberinfrastructure for Linguistics on LSA ballot

The LSA resolution on cyberinfrastructure for linguistics is now up for a vote of the membership. LSA members can vote here. (Information on joining LSA.)

LiLT Special Volume: Implementation of Linguistic Analyses against Data

We are pleased to announce that Linguistic Issues in Language Technology Volume 3, Implementation of Linguistic Analyses against Data has appeared. This volume, edited by Terry Langendoen and Emily Bender, contains papers by presenters at the LSA 2009 invited symposium "Computational Linguistics in Support of Linguistic Analysis".

Table of contents:

Focus on applications

A lot of digital ink has been spilled in recent years laying out standards and best practices for language documentation and archiving, and rightly so. Coherent standards greatly improve the usefulness and longevity of archived data, and getting standards right is a difficult process. And, measures like the recent LSA resolution and the requirements of funding agencies are an important step towards getting researchers to use these standards.

ISO 639-3 changes, four years on

About a year ago, in working on this paper, I attempted to do rough count of the affiliations of people submitting code change requests for the ISO 639-3 language codes.

Cyberinfrastructure Framework for 21st Century Science and Engineering (CF21)

As described in a recently posted Dear Colleague letter, NSF has set up six task forces including NSF Program Officers and "distinguished members from the external science and engineering community" to "develop a long term vision" for a Cyberinfrastructure Framework for 21st Century Science and Engineering (CF21).

A "data problem"

On Jan 8, Fritz Newmeyer gave a very interesting talk at the University of Washington about the lack of evidence for a particular parameter from Principles and Parameters theory.

LSA Data Sharing Resolution

At the recently concluded Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) in Baltimore, the following resolution on Data Sharing was passed by those at the Business Meeting. It will soon be sent along to the whole membership of the Society for their vote. The resolution was put forth by the LSA's Technology Advisory Committee.


About Cyberling

Advances in computing technology from the past few decades, including general communications technology like the world wide web as well as specific advances in computational linguistics, have opened the possibility of a cyberinfrastructure for linguistics that will advance the field by allowing linguists to analyze and test hypotheses against much larger data sets, collaborate with more people across greater distances, and as a result ask questions not previously answerable.

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