data provenance

Access to lexical databases: discussion

Claire Bowern has started a discussion on her blog, Anggarrgoon, about access to aggregated lexical data: how to protect the rights of the various stake holders while encouraging as much sharing as possible. I enjoyed her tongue-in-cheek suggestion that linguist-contributors should, in game-theoretic fashion, get access to data in proportion to the data they share.

Data provenance and data aggregation

Peter Austin, over at Endangered Languages and Cultures, has initiated a discussion on citation practices (with James McElvenny also participating), and it was prompted (at least partly) by some data I have had a role in processing as part of the LEGO project.

Interdisciplinary Centre for Social and Language Documentation in Portugal

The Centro Interdisciplinar de Documentação Linguística e Social (CIDLeS) is an interdisciplinary non-profit centre dedicated to the documentation and preservation of the linguistic (and cultural) heritage in Europe. It was founded in January 2010 as a result of the work of a number of researchers at the Institute of General Linguistics and Language Typology at the University of Munich and at the Department of Portuguese Studies at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

Beyond the PDF?

While looking for something on this blog (which I recommend in general), I stumbled on the fact that an interesting workshop recently took place entitled Beyond the PDF. The workshop goal is described as follows:

A Grand Challenge for Linguistics: Scaling Up and Integrating Models

In response to NSF's call for White Papers in the SBE 2020 Initiative, Jeff Good and I have submitted a paper outlining our take on Cyberinfrastructure for Linguistics, why its necessary, and how it can come about. The abstract:

The Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR) at SOAS

The Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR) at SOAS preserves and disseminates digital documentation of endangered languages around the world, especially (but not limited to) the outcomes of ELDP-funded projects. ELAR's recently re-launched website is designed specifically to suit the needs of endangered languages archiving, using "Web 2.0" methods to implement a nuanced access control system and make the site user-friendly for a range of audiences.

Launch of L&C Field Manuals and Stimulus Materials

It is our pleasure to announce the launch of the L&C Field Manuals and Stimulus Materials, a web resource providing access to many of the field manuals produced by the Language and Cognition group at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.

Language Description Heritage (LDH) open access digital library

it is my pleasure to announce the Language Description Heritage (LDH) open access digital library, available online at

The LDH is being compiled at the Max Planck Society in Germany, specifically at the MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig in cooperation with the Max Planck Digital Library in Munich.

Language Description Heritage (LDH) open access digital library

Dear colleagues,

it is my pleasure to announce the Language Description Heritage (LDH) open access digital library, available online at

The LDH is being compiled at the Max Planck Society in Germany, specifically at the MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig in cooperation with the Max Planck Digital Library in Munich.

Etnolinguistica.Org: a report from South America

For the past few years, I've been part of a team involved in building an information hub on indigenous South American languages, a place to create and gather online resources for both academic researchers and the general public. The project, Etnolinguistica.Org, started in 2002 as a mailing list. The list quickly evolved into a major forum for the discussion of research topics on South American languages, the promotion of events and online resources—in sum, a meeting point for all those interested in South American linguistics and related areas.

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