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UBY - A Large-Scale Unified Lexical-Semantic Resource (UBY 1.0) released

We are pleased to announce the release of UBY 1.0 -
a large-scale lexical-semantic resource for natural language processing (NLP)
based on the ISO standard Lexical Markup Framework (LMF):

UBY combines a wide range of information from expert-constructed and collaboratively constructed resources for English and German.
Currently, UBY holds structurally and semantically interoperable versions of nine resources in two languages:

* English WordNet, Wiktionary, Wikipedia, FrameNet and VerbNet,

Announcing Glottolog/Langdoc, a knowledge base of 175k references for (mostly) underdescribed languages

We are happy to announce Glottolog/Langdoc, a comprehensive knowledge base of 104k languoids and 175k references for the Semantic Web.

In linguistics as well as in the Semantic Web world, it is important to clearly identify the concepts one is talking about. Glottolog/Langdoc takes this insight as a starting point and provides 104k Unique Resource Identifiers (URIs) for languoids and 175k for references to descriptive literature focusing on underdescribed languages.

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