applied linguistics

Interview: New blog for experimental statistics in corpus linguistics

An interview with Sean Wallis, author of

What led you to set up the blog?

The blog comes from several sources. My research background is in cognitive science and AI, and in particular machine learning applied to scientific research, and statistics is a key component of that. I have been involved in regular debates about the role of statistical evidence in corpus linguistics over the years, so (for example) you will find some of the same experimental design themes about choice in our 2002 book, I am not a linguist "by trade" but a methodologist, so I can only work by collaborating with and learning from others.

Invitation from NSF/SBE for white papers describing grand challenges

The NSF Directorate for the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE) released last week a Dear Colleague Letter inviting members of the research community (individuals and groups) to submit by September 30th, 2,000-word-maximum white papers outlining what they think are "grand challenge" questions in the fields supported by SBE "that are both foundational and transformative". These contributions will be used to help the Directorate make plans to support research over the coming decade and beyond.

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