language documentation

ISO 639-3 changes, four years on

About a year ago, in working on this paper, I attempted to do rough count of the affiliations of people submitting code change requests for the ISO 639-3 language codes.

Presentation on the ISO 639 family of language codes

At the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) in Baltimore there was a presentation by Rebecca Guenther of the Library of Congress (who is also Rotating chair of the ISO 639 Joint Advisory Committee) about ISO language code standards.

LSA Data Sharing Resolution

At the recently concluded Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) in Baltimore, the following resolution on Data Sharing was passed by those at the Business Meeting. It will soon be sent along to the whole membership of the Society for their vote. The resolution was put forth by the LSA's Technology Advisory Committee.


Endangered Languages Information and Infrastructure Project (ELIIP)

Last week the Center for American Indian Languages at the University of Utah hosted a workshop going under the acronym ELIIP (for Endangered Languages Information and Infrastructure Project) as the first step towards a larger project "intended to produce an authoritative catalogue, database, and updatable website of information on endangered languages and enrich the infrastructure of the discipline by integrating accurate EL information into a network of digital information and research facilities".

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