
Plan MontBlanc Initial Public Offering für das zweite Quartal

Ich freue mich sehr, eine eine aktuelle Neuigkeiten überMontBlanc Kugelschreiber MontBlanc Nachdruck. Lassen Sie uns über die Entwicklung von MontBlanc Jacken zu lernen.
The Carlyle Group, der weltweit zweitgrößte Private-Equity-Firma, plant einen Börsengang von Luxus Sportbekleidung maker MontBlanc im zweiten Quartal 2011 nach der Eröffnung neuer Märkte und die Sicherung Winter Bestellungen zu halten, nach zwei Menschen vertraut mit den Plänen.

Liberman on Open Access and the three-legged stool

This post over at Language Log is highly recommended. A quick excerpt:

“reproducible research” [...] requires three things: (1) the data sets that serve as input; (2) the programs needed to run the experiment; and (3) a comprehensible account of what the experiment does, why it matters, and what the results are.

This is from Mark Liberman's abstract for his talk at the Berlin 9 Open Access Conference taking place in Maryland (not Berlin).

Conference on Science and the Internet 2012

From the call for papers:

Online media have brought about numerous changes in scholarly practices, including, but not limited to gathering data, finding relevant literature, making research and results accessible, organising collaboration, communicating with colleagues and students as well as creating fruitful learning environments.

Adapting a Scientific Workflow Infrastructure to Linguistics

In Linguistics (and similar social sciences), there are no standard 'workflow workbenches' that can be used for non-programmers to develop, use, and share their workflows. However, as an increasingly data-intensive science, computational linguists are using computational pipelines in their research, in order to facilitate their main work.

“Open and shut: Digital repatriation and the circulation of indigenous knowledge”

Kimberly (“Kim”) Christer (Department of Critical Culture, Gender and Race Studies, Washington State University), an anthropologist by training, presented “Open and shut: Digital repatriation and the circulation of indigenous knowledge” on 4-14-11 at the University of Washington, Seattle campus. With the support of NEH, she is working on the development of the “Mukurtu software tool” (, a user-customizable tool for the creation of archives.

Digital repatriation

Tomorrow Kimberly Christen (WSU) will give a talk at the University of Washington on the Mukurtu Indigenous Archive Tool and repatriation of indigenous knowledge in digital form.

Abstract, from the UW Simpson Center for the Humanities calendar:

A Grand Challenge for Linguistics: Scaling Up and Integrating Models

In response to NSF's call for White Papers in the SBE 2020 Initiative, Jeff Good and I have submitted a paper outlining our take on Cyberinfrastructure for Linguistics, why its necessary, and how it can come about. The abstract:

The Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR) at SOAS

The Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR) at SOAS preserves and disseminates digital documentation of endangered languages around the world, especially (but not limited to) the outcomes of ELDP-funded projects. ELAR's recently re-launched website is designed specifically to suit the needs of endangered languages archiving, using "Web 2.0" methods to implement a nuanced access control system and make the site user-friendly for a range of audiences.

NSF Software Infrastructure for Sustained Innovation (SI**2)

On March 16, the National Science Foundation announced the Software Infrastructure for Sustained Innovation (SI**2) Program Solicitation 10-551 at This is an NSF-wide solicitation, led by the Office of Cyberinfrastructure (OCI).

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