RELISH-Symposium „Rendering Endangered Lexicons Interoperable through Standards Harmonization”, Frankfurt, October 10, 2011 “RELISH meets LOEWE”

The RELISH project promotes language-oriented research by addressing a two-pronged problem: (1) the lack of harmonization between digital standards for lexical information in Europe and America, and (2) the lack of interoperability among existing lexicons of endangered languages, in particular those created with the Shoebox lexicon building software. The cooperation partners in the RELISH project are the University of Frankfurt (FRA), the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (MPI), and Eastern Michigan University, the host of the Linguist List (ILIT). The project aims at harmonizing key European and American digital standards whose divergence has hitherto impeded international collaboration on language technology for resource creation and analysis, as well as web services for archive access. Focusing on several lexicons of endangered languages, the project will establish a unified way of referencing lexicon structure and linguistic concepts, and develop a procedure for migrating these heterogeneous lexicons to a standards-compliant format. Once developed, the procedure will be generalizable to the large store of lexical resources involved in the LEGO and DoBeS projects.

The Frankfurt RELISH symposium strives to bring together people working on similar topics. It will deal with various aspects of lexical data standardizing. It will present preliminary results of standardizing efforts in the framework of the RELISH project and perspectives of future work. A special attention will be paid to the semantic harmonization of lexical data using the ISOcats registry. A further objective of the symposium is a meeting with LOEWE program participants engaged in interrelated projects in the field of digital humanities.

We invite all interested people to participate in the symposium and contribute to its program. Please send us the topic of your lecture until September 1, 2011.

Jost Gippert
Irina Nevskaya

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